Lead- Based Paint Services-
Renovation, Repair and Painting
Lead is a toxic heavy metal commonly used in paints before 1978, when it was banned. Lead-Based Paint or LBP is any paint containing more than 0.5% or 5,000 ppm of lead by weight, or 1.0 mg/cm2. EPA, HUD, and OSHA regulate lead-containing paint work since the '70s. More recently, EPA began regulating lead-based paint activities on all housing and child-occupied buildings (facilities) built prior to 1978. The new regulation is called the "Lead Renovation, Repair, and Painting", also known as Lead RRP. The scope of the regulation is to require paint renovators and firms to be certified (through training) on lead-safe work practices. EPA requires at least one Lead RRP certified renovator per work site. Furthermore, any company or institution (i.e entities) wishing to do lead work, must be certified by EPA. The process involves an application, and a nominal fee of $300.00 for a five-year certification period.​

Individual certification requires attending a one day (8 hours) training course, and participation in hands-on exercises for lead-safe practices. Recertification of renovators and firms is required every five years.
Air Analytics is an EPA certified Lead RRP training provider, in accordance with EPA requirements set by 40 CFR 745.225(c). We offer the one day initial training course in English and Spanish.